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Client Testimonial

Roz and Mercer

Mercer is an 8-year-old BLM Mustang from Tilly Creek Utah with a history of abuse, neglect and trauma. He is EXTREMELY sensitive physically and energy wise ... I was referred to Intuition Equine by a client of mine, after I informed her I was looking for something to help Mercer on a more mental/emotional level while still addressing any physical needs as an athlete ... I never expected to see such incredible results after just one session with Lisa (Intuition Equine) she not only took to Mercer immediately Mercer TOOK to her and fell in love ... After just a few sessions Mercer started to become more affectionate and interactive with strangers which he HAS NEVER done before ... I cannot explain enough how using Lisa is a necessity for any horse struggling with mental engagement, emotional trauma, or stress. This will really help the mind as well as addressing any muscle/physical ailments.

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Jennifer and Brimstone

Brimstone is a 17-year-old TWH who was purchased at auction. He is extremely sensitive and has a penchant for bolting. Lisa came in with care and patience and immediately connected with him. She met him where he was emotionally and helped him physically with his ailments but specifically with TMJ. Brim was a horse who rarely licked and chewed or showed signs of releasing. In two years, I had NEVER seen the horse yawn until after Lisa came. She was deliberate in her methods and was careful not to overdo it with what she thought Brimstone could handle on any given day. She is fantastic with her Graston tools and we really had some breakthroughs because of them. Lisa also helped me immensely. She helped me to see my horse for who he was and to not compare him to other horses. We/they have all had different experiences in life. Brimstone isn't perfect or "fixed" but we are better together, and I understand my horse better because of Lisa's love and patience.

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