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What is Graston Technique?

Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a form of manual therapy that enables precise detection and treatment of fascial restrictions with less pain to the horse, less wear and tear on practitioners’ hands, and better overall outcomes.
Graston Technique is a unique, evidence-based form of IASTM that utilizes medical grade stainless steel instruments to amplify the feeling of palpation and expand the power of your hands as you work to identify soft tissue irregularities in the horse’s body. Maximize the outcomes of your manual therapy treatments.​


Benefits of Graston
  • relieve equine pain

  • improve range of motion

  • improve circulation

  • promote muscular relaxation

  • Less treatment fatigue

  • Advanced targeting to treat damaged tendons and ligaments

  • Deeper tissue work beyond capabilities of human hands.​



I will utilize my Graston Instruments if I find them to be needed.  If used they are included in my regular charge.

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